Friday, January 31, 2020

The novel Of Mice and Men and the characters Crook, Candy and Curlys wife Essay Example for Free

The novel Of Mice and Men and the characters Crook, Candy and Curlys wife Essay Discuss the theme of loneliness in the novel Of Mice and Men by looking at the characters Crook, Candy and Curlys wife Loneliness plays an integral role in the novel and it is this theme, which effectively leads to the inevitable ending. Each of the characters mentioned in the essay title re-enacts different aspects of the definition loneliness. Hence I will explore the way in which Steinbeck epitomises loneliness, using each of these characters. Crooks is depicted as a loner due to his supposed unfortunate predicament of being born a nigger. Despite this term being derogatory, it highlights the immediately low social stratum that black people occupied in a period where racism and segregation was prominent. The boss gives him hell when hes mad Just because is black, he is at the receiving end of the boss; wrath, a white man. Crooks is described by Candy as a nice fella. The reader is left to assume that the only Black character mentioned in the story is lonely, as the reader is almost oblivious of his presence. It is but for the initial reference to him and the re-emergence of his character in the middle section of the book that the reader is forced to remember. The idea of loneliness with reference to Crooks character has two explanations. The primary reason for his loneliness is Cause [Hes] black. Crooks is annihilated due to his race which in the period when the book was written, segregation was rampant. The reader learns exactly what Crooks feels about his treatment: I aint wanted in the bunkhouse Cause Im black I cant play [cards] because Im black. They say I stink. This outburst signifies the loneliness he feels. He is ostracised due to his race and is not allowed to participate in any activities. Unlike the other characters that experience loneliness, the reader feels that his isolation is the most extreme, as he is black, which automatically relegates him to a low class. The second explanatory for his loneliness is his disability, which evokes a form of loneliness. Crooks has a crooked back. And so presumably, he does have not much use due to his inability to provide a service. Slim suggest that inability to provide a service notes your uselessness: I wish somebodyd shoot me if I get old and cripple. Crooks falls into both these categories. As well as being old, he is cripple, therefore shooting him is of no great loss. Crooks annihilation due to his race and forced into a low social stratum he has an equal status as an animal. This is well represented in c chapter four, where the reader learns that Crooks has his bunk in the harness, and what worsens the situation is the fact that his actual bunk is made from straw, which is what forms many animals beds. The reader also learns that he has a manure pile in his room. Several references are made to his medication, where he owned a range of medicine bottles, both for himself and for the horses. The fact that he uses medication indicates that he often feels pain: Now and then he poured a few drops of the liniment into his pink-palmed hand He flexed his muscles against his back and shivered. Crooks is constantly applying liniment to his back, which may be to ease the pain he feels. He is often in pain and so may not be able to cope with strenuous activities, thus his uselessness and inevitable isolation. The descriptions used with reference to Crooks appearance, may symbolise the suppression he feels from the world. The fact that his body was bent over to the left by his crooked spine forces the reader to relate this to his bad treatment in life. It may suggest that he has had a rough life and the reader assumes that his injury epitomises the hardship and rejection felt, thus his sub-human status. Steinbeck describes Crooks as having deep black wrinkles. The fact that they are deep is also indicative of the depth of strain that he has endured in life, yet we are given no impetus that he has been badly treated at the ranch. Lennie in some ways breaks Crooks loneliness, when he intrudes in his room. Although he scowled in response to Lennies intrusion the reader feels that his presence is welcomed thus Crooks says, It was difficult for Crooks to conceal his pleasure with anger. Crooks becomes more comfortable with the company and the reader delves into his past as he confides with Lennie. The reader pities Crooks attributed to the fact that he views himself as just a nigger talking a busted-black nigger. Crooks indeed pities himself and his predicament. He is lonely as his only true company is himself. Hence, when Lenny tells how he has George, Crooks is in some ways envious of their relationship thus forcing Lennie to consider a pessimistic situation: You got GeorgeSpose you couldnt go into the bunk-house and play rummy cause you was black Spose you had to sit out here an read booksBooks aint no good. A guy needs somebody to be near him A guy goes nuts if he aint got nobody Dont make no difference who the guy is long as hes with you a guy gets lonely, an he gets sick The fact that Crooks aint got nobody generalises his reasons for his loneliness. This saddens the reader, as up till now he has been forced to keep this too himself, but his treatment makes him sick. He pours out his inner feelings and the reader appreciates that reading, his most frequent form of communication, is an escapism, but he concludes books aint no good. Lennie relishes in the fact that he and George will own some land of their own, however Crooks is rather pessimistic. Having seen many aim for a better life and fail, he concludes Nobody gets to heaven, and nobody gets no land. The reader considers Crooks extreme pessimism and concludes that due to his constant disappointment and failure, such improvements are but dreams and only exists in their head. However, a glimpse of faith is evident in Crooks character and maybe a realised dream himself, when almost convinced by Lennies revelation to live on the fatta the lan he responds: If you guys would want a hand to work for nothingwhy Id come an lend a hand This outburst indicates his eagerness and yet hope for some sort of recognition in life. The fact that this dream seems achievable gives him a glimmer of hope. For a short while at least his cocoon of isolation seems to be disintegrating: It was difficult for Crooks to conceal his pleasure with anger This narrative indicates that he is content, as he finally has human company, which he can interact with. The fact that Guys dont come into a coloured mans room very much indicates that despite the solemnity he has become accustomed to, company is always welcome, after all A guy goes nuts if he aint got nobody The partial hope of escaping from his sombreness is probably what gives him enough courage to say to Curleys wife on her intrusion into his room, Maybe you better go to your own house. Despite it being his own space, Crooks essentially relinquishes his non challenging role as a negro and dares to question a white persons authority. Yes, he can dream, but Curleys wife throws reality back in his face when she relegates him back to the terrible protective dignity of a negro. Crooks accepts that he will never be a white persons counterpart and concludes: You guys comin in an settin made me forget. What she says is true. Crooks forgot his place as a Nigger and so had reduced himself to nothingnothing to arouse either like or dislike. Crooks is lonely and no one in the story truly understands his predicament. However the reader is forced to conclude, that his annihilation is what retains the fact that he is proud [and] aloof. When he was on the verge of putting an end to his loneliness, thus confronting Curley wife, he realised that [for] a coloured man to have some rights, even if he dont like em., he has to settle for an inferior position in society or face humiliation. Through Crooks loneliness, he retains his pride. In considering Candys loneliness, the reader automatically compares him to that of Crooks. Candys character in the play symbolises the fate of those who are old and disabled. He has the most menial job on the ranch as the swamper and it is primarily because of his disability why he has turned into a self-pitying worker. Although he is lonely, his dog provides him with some sort of comfort. Despite his dog being weak, because [hes] so used to him and had him from a pup he feels some sort of attachment to the dog. The reader is forced to deduce that maybe the dog reflects Candys temperament. Both are old, walk with a limp and could receive the same fate of being killed due to their uselessness. Steinbeck describes the dog as: drag footed sheep dog[with] blind old eyes. The dog struggled lamely to the side This description shows the reader, the bad condition of the dog. The reader understands that as well as not walking properly, the dog is blind and its whole existence is a struggle. Carlson describes the dogs condition as: Got no teeth Hes all stiff with rheumatism. He aint no good to you Candy. Candy and his dog, and Crooks suffer a similar fate, as all of them are retired and so are of no use, as they can not carry out service jobs. Candy is attached to the dog. The fact that the dog is a reflection of himself, initially a hard worker, but now cripple to due his hard work killing it would mean he deserves to be killed also, as both have passed their usefulness. When Candy is forced to put the dog down, through Steinbecks descriptions, the reader realises how much the dog actually means to him: he subdued the hand with the other and held it down he rolled over and faced the wall and lay silent This is rather a sombre description. It underlines the fact that by killing the dog, his only long-term companion, means a part of him would be missing. Hence when he shares in Lennies and Georges dream he somehow feels rejuvenated. Candy shows interest in their dream as by being a part of it, it entitles him to have a future outside of the ranch and some human company. He would no longer have to be subservient to anybody, thus he would not receive the same fate as those who are in the same predicament as himself. It is interesting to note that he finds out about their dream while he would normally be alone, but for Lennies and Georges presence. Many people who are lonely thrive on gossip, as this is a means of escaping their own dismal life and delving into the life of someone elses, often more interesting than their own. This is so for Candy who is described as [warming] to his gossip. He speaks about Curley and even refers to his wife as a tart, yet the reader observes how inferior he actually is, when Curleys wife calls him a lousy ol sheep. Candy does tell Curleys wife what he thinks of her, but he realises that -Nobody d listen to us. In society, he is insignificant and thus his loneliness. Curleys wife experiences a unique form of loneliness. From an early stage in the book, the reader regards Curleys wife as that of a sex symbol. Throughout the story she is never named, but the reader only considers her as a tart, purty and a looloo. Glove fulla vaseline This refers to Curley who actually degrades his wife openly, by the display of this sexual connotation. Due to this derogatory act, it is no surprise to the reader that she is lonely. She is thought of as an object, not a person. She is not appreciated for her talent although according to her [she] could of went with shows because of it. While Curley is out enjoying himself she is left talking to a bunch of bindle stiffs. The reader knows she is lonely, through her constant search for attention. Through exploiting her sexuality does she try to conceal her loneliness hence, she flirts with Slim and constantly wanders around the men the ranch. It is interesting to note, that her only defence to Crooks when he asks her to come out of his room, is to threaten him with rape charges. The fact that she is lonely, she knows nothing else but to exploit her sexuality again. She is very shallow Curleys wife actually admits I get lonely I cant talk to nobody but Curley. This is why she is constantly seeking attention. When Lennie says he is not supposed to talk to her she questions angrily Whats the matter with me?. Again she uses this opportunity to tell Lennie about the dreams that she had. She becomes so comfortable speaking with Lennie that it is this which leads to her death. She is so willing to poor out her heart, her disappointment and the fact that she is lonely, that Lennie gets attached. It is her sexuality which causes her death. She confides in Lennie admitting that [she] don like Curley. So when Lennie starts to stroke her hair she does not mind initially, but this flirtatious act is what leads to her death. Lennie kills her involuntarily; yet this fate was inevitable. Each of these characters experienced their own forms of loneliness. It is quite interesting to note that each of the characters all end up in the same room, having been left out of the other activities which the men are indulging in: Crooks because he is black, old and cripple, Candy because he is old and disabled and Curleys wife as she is thought of as a sex object, not a person. Although she asks herself, An what am I doin? Staindin here a nigger an a lousy ol sheep. Yet she answers her own question when she says, They left all the weak ones here. She actually does belong there as all characters are lonely in some way or another and have been excluded from the activities of the ranch. Is it not fair that they comfort each other? The reader understands that this is not possible, as they are not compatible with each other due to their different predicaments.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Life of Black Maids in The 1960s Essays -- African American Women,

Harsh, cruel, and stressful are three words to describe the life of African American women domestic workers during the Civil Rights Movement. During the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, there were many contributions other than just the typical marches, speeches, and violence that everybody hears about. One of the many topics that have not been heard about frequently is the life of the colored maids during this time period. What were black domestic workers? These women worked for many white families usually in the south for practically their whole lives taking care of their employer’s children and working their houses cleaning and doing many other tasks. The life of a black maid had many responsibilities and difficulties that challenged these women on a daily basis. When discussing the background of the many women who became maids, it is often questioned where they came from and when they started working. In almost every black town there were many ladies all over who were maids. As early as 10 years old, these ladies had worked for many white families all over southern states. They started off by just doing simple tasks such as answering doorbells and sweeping the yard. When they start to become older, they learn to become cooks and then eventually are suited to be a maid to white families in the south (History Matters). Firstly, an African American maid raised white children and had many chores while doing so. An experienced black maid quoted on â€Å"History Matters† refers to the amount of work she had to do by saying, â€Å"It’s â€Å"Mammy, do this, â€Å"or â€Å"Mammy, do that,† or â€Å"Mammy do the other,† from my mistress, all the time.† The maids were required to wash, dress, and feed the children more than three times a day. Somet... ...were that they had. Even though they were dealt with many issues, they learned to stick up for themselves knowing the consequences that they would get. Not only did they have many responsibilities, but they had several hardships to deal with. Even later on in the years there was still problems between domestic workers and white employers during the Civil Rights movement and even after it. Even today, discrimination are still going on between different races, genders, etc. To this day, people all over are still willing to fight for their rights. Works Cited History Matters. n.d. 21 April 2014 . Kilen, Mike. The Desmoines Register. 8 October 2012. 25 April 2014 . Sharpless, Vanessa May and Rebecca. UNC Press Blog. n.d. 21 April 2014 . Stockett, Kathrynn. The Help. New York: Penguin Group, 2009.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Church Leaderhsip and Ministry Evaluation Paper Essay

1. Would you say that your congregation (or the people within your particular department or area of ministry) is â€Å"Living Out the Mind of Christ† (i.e. Unity, Humility, Selflessness) as they interact, serve, and minister to/with each other? How specifically do you as a ministry leader teach, cultivate, and maintain â€Å"The Mind of Christ† in your area of ministry? Taking a look at what Dr. Gutierrez tells us in his book. He breaks down each one of the three areas and gives some direction and a checklist on applying these elements to your message. In our Bible study and conversations that we have during our meetings, or get togethers. Someone is appointed each time to research and set up a game plan for us to discuss and have a meeting of the minds. Just as if Jesus was sitting in the room with His disciples. The speaker controls his/her format and gives a ten to fifteen minute summary of what they found interesting and gives us time to react in questions and opinions. This is a meaningful and responsive reaction towards the main source of the material that was presented. Each one gives their time and when there is two or three in the mist there will be a revival for which the word of God is proclaim. Dr. Gutierrez states: â€Å"With an open Bible and a willing spirit, you can begin an exciting spiritual journey that will not only instruct you in teachings of the Book of Phillippians but also equip you with wise counsel and guidance†.1 So in our meeting we have the spirit and devotion to be with the Mind of Christ. 2. Would you consider yourself a â€Å"Wounded Healer?† Also, would you please share an example where you have ministered to a person who is/was â€Å"wounded† in the same manner that you once were? (cf. II Corinthians 1:3-5) My son and his wife lost my eight month old grandson to drowing and we had a terrible time understading how God would take a precious baby boy so full of life and joy. We prayed and search for answers and found that sometimes bad things just happen to you in life. Job lost everything in being a servant to God, and the devil punish Job with pain and suffering but he never turn against the Father. Satan attached his character, health, property, and children, but Job fell down and whorshiped. So when this happen to us we reflected on Job story and prayed to the Father and in November they will be blessed with another son. God will never forsake thee and with this we are humble and stronger with faith and salvation in our hearts. 3. How specifically does the Holy Spirit help guide you as you lead/serve in your ministry? Also, can you give a specific example of how you were able to clearly recognize that the Holy Spirit was helping/guiding you in dealing with a particular situation and/or decision while in your ministry? What advice would you give me that, if I obeyed, would assure me that I would be able to be guided by the Holy Spirit in my life and/or ministry? The Holy Spirit will give you the right questions to asked and will lead you in the correct path to minister to the congregation. Everytime someone comes to the altar we all pray and the Holy Spirit is present and the feeling of fire is within all hearts and the joyful noise is released. The prayers and praises are given to the Lord and the church is in the mist of revival. Take heed to honor the Father in your life and humble yourself and seek Jesus to lead you in the direction that the Holy Spirit will take you. John 14:16-17; â€Å"And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever†Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"the Spirit of truth, whom the word cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you†.2 4. Do you have a personal philosophy (i.e. an agreed upon plan of action/policy/understood protocol) of how/when/where you confront sin in the lives of 1) co-ministers/co-leaders in your ministry, and 2) people to whom you minister? If so, what is it? How did you come to this philosophy? If not, do you see a need for such a philosophy? Why or Why not? Col: 2:2-3; â€Å"that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ,†Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge†.3 These two verses will give you everything you need the knowledge, wisdom, and know that philosophy is the meaning of exsistence, reality, knowledge, and goodness in the world. The Bible with give you the knowledge as long as you read it, study it, and seek answers from God. He sent Jesus to be the great philosopher, teacher to the disciples, and all people that listen to Him. I try to set my standards of teaching to the policy of the Bible and seek answers from others that have devoted their life to understanding God’s word. This allows for a direct approach to the people I am talking too and allows them to asks questions and hopefully I can give them the correct answers. 5. Can I perform a little ministry quiz on you? (Remember: This question is taken from the section within chapter 25 entitled â€Å"Recalling Encounters with God!†) a. Can you recall for me what you specifically did (i.e. tasks performed, people you talked to, the number of hours of service) on any individual day in your ministry approximately six weeks ago? Yes I can because it was a time of joy and happiness I just finish my AA degree in religion and I wanted to tell everyone how excited I was that I accomplish a goal. It was a personal quest to get a degree in the field and thanks to Liberty University I applied myself and finish. Even though I am continuing on with my schooling I hope to get my BS next year about this same time. It has given me more of a understanding and also a guidance in certain material that gave me more opportunity to share with others. Seek and you shall find and with the help of the Father, and His Son I will be a better listener and teacher. b. Can you recall any time in the past that you were either so moved by hearing a sermon, reading a bible verse, hearing a testimony of a someone’s salvation that made such an impact upon your life that you still have a vivid recollection of the event today? How long ago did that spiritual event take place? It has been many years ago now that my mother passed away and I dearly love my Mom and when she died a part of me died with her. In June 1997 she gave up this life on this earth and Jesus took her away from us. I have always been someone that writes notes, poems and I wrote my Mother one and told her how much I love her and would missed her and during the funeral the preacher use it in his sermon. It was a joy inside and I knew that Jesus was with me and the Holy Spirit had carry my Mother to heaven. I could feel her presence on me as He read the letter and afterwards many people came to me and told me how wonderful it was to be so thankful in loving a person so much, but is this not what Jesus did for us as He was nailed on the cross and when He ask God to forgive us for our sins because we do not know what we do. Somewhere and sometime everyone will depart and hopefully there will be that special love one to remember them as Jesus remembers us on the cross. c. Could you briefly describe for me how your daily â€Å"Quiet time with God† or your â€Å"Communion time with God† or â€Å"Your Devotion time with God† usually goes? My time with God and Jesus is not nearly enough time to humble myself and bowed down and pray like I should. Always to busy to just give my time to just praying and praising the Father. I know that being selfishness is a sin and that I will have to answer to the reason I went to the game or play golf when I should been studing and preparing. I do pray and many times I am alone and just open my heart to Him and ask for forgiveness and through His precious Son Jesus to lead me in the straight path that He wants me to go. I would say I am a normal man and sometimes I fall short in honoring our Father and His Son. 6. As a minister, are you ever tempted to become competitive with either a fellow minister or a neighboring ministry or covet the â€Å"success† or resources of other ministers and/or ministries? How do you overcome this temptation in your life if/when it ever comes up in your heart? What advice would you give me to make sure I remain content with what God specifically has for me in my own life and/or ministry? Competing against someone else is not my idea of serving God and it is not a game of winning or losing. Jealousy is not a righteous trait to have and to let yourself overcome with jealousy will surely destroy your favor with God. For it is written that the Jews were jealous of Jesus and they crucified Him on a cross. Even though you might not crucified someone there are a lot of people that kill because of jealousy. In our lesson book â€Å"Ministry is† tells us that â€Å"To love is to stop comparing.† It is impossible to have a heart full of love for a Christian brother and still be envious or critical toward him at the same time.4 We only have to read in Genesis all the jealous hatred that occur from the very beginning with Cain and Abel, Joseph and His brothers, and Sarah and Hagar just to name a few these all ended up terrible and no one is ever a winner. Our God is a very Jealous God in Exodus 20:5 (one of the ten commandments) you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. â€Å"For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.†5 The chosen people paid a severe price by worshipping other god’s and suffer for forty years in the wilderness. So do not be jealous of any other ministry but rejoice that so many lives are being save. 7. Provide a summary of your interview. a. In what areas of leadership and/or ministry do you feel you need to improve? Personal behavior and spend more time in studying and preparing the materials. Reaching out to others, donating more time and energy towards building a better relationship with God and Jesus Chrsit. Set a personal mission in visitation and inviting outsiders to join in our worship service. Help with the youth in planning more activities and helping with the men’s club and women auxillary. But the most important will be to talk to God and seek better answers to the questions that people might ask of me. b. Develop a specific plan to improve in these areas. Organize my time, pray longer and often, study and do research, sat down with the elders and members of the council to set up more direct meetings and feedback. Take a look at the finances and see if there is a more productive way to assist and help others. c. How will you measure your progress? During the monthly meetings set aside a time for the members to ask me questions, and give me feedback on policies and do we need to update old standards and policies that might change with the new generation of the younger members. Get them involved and asked them to get active in planning new outreach programs and as well as visiting new people. Conclusion: It is without saying that we must have Jesus Christ in our lives, and as minister’s, preachers, or elders we should put forth extra effort in building a solid foundation in the church. Involvement will be the key and knocking on doors to get people interest in the church. Determine if our motives are still moving in the correct way and take the time to celebrate the joy of friendship. I can not say about how things will change because it is not a lot that I can do except present the message that I have already set in place. If I could have interview any other preacher I do not think that their answers would be to much different than mine. Because I believe if you are call to preach than the Lord our God has already given you a outline to follow. The reason I can say this is because if you go too ten churches they will have certain things they do differently but when it comes to celebrating and worshipping Jesus Christ our Savior most of them are on the same game plan. 1. Living Out the Mind of Christ, Copyright © 2011 by Ben Gutierrez. 2. The Holy Bible, New King James Version copyright ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. 3. Ministry Is,,,copyright © 2010 by Dave Earley and Ben Gutierrez. All rights reserved. 4. The Holy Bible, New King James Version copyright ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. 5. Ministry Is,,,copyright © 2010 by Dave Earley and Ben Gutierrez. All rights reserved. Total Word Count: 2,356

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Role Of Schools In Early Childhood Education - 1022 Words

The role of schools in early childhood education is that they should present high quality free and universal education. Schools should be providing children with the opportunity to attend Pre-K as well as Kindergarten. According to Erlbaum (1983), â€Å"Children who attend preschool are less often retained in grade and placed in special education, and they more often graduate from high school.† Enrolling a child in a Pre-K program introduces children to the academic skills that are a necessity when transitioning from Pre-K to Kindergarten and the academic years to come. The school years from Pre-K to the third grade are extremely important because during this time children are developing crucial cognitive and social-emotional skills which lay†¦show more content†¦Teachers need to be aware of early education issues and also have a high amount of knowledge in child development in order to educate children. Teachers are mentors and counselors for children. Children need to know that they are being guided by educators who support, respect, are patient, and care for them. In order to support children’s development we need to encourage, praise, compliment and support them so that they can experience and learn new things. Louis Torelli, Early Childhood Environmental Design Specialist, explains in Early Essentials Webisode 7 â€Å"Environments† that the most important element of a child’s environment is the teacher, who is the caregiver. Torelli tells us that the environment can help the teacher support the emotional needs of a child and support the relationships in the classroom between each other and with the teacher as well. If children feel secure they will be capable of continuously exploring and discovering new things. According to Nebraska’s Department of Education (2011), a teacher should provide curriculum that is developmentally appropriate and that should â€Å"Encourage each child to think, reason, question, and experiment; Foster both receptive and expressive language development and provide early literacy experiences; Include exploratory play in a language and literacy-rich environment during a majority of the daily schedule;†. The curriculum and role teachers play in educating children supports theShow MoreRelatedProfessional Development in Early Childhood Education Essay1320 Words   |  6 Pagesindividuals who play the key and an active role in their early childhood development are teacher professionals who have a passion and a genuine desire to help them learn, grow and succeed in their education. 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